09 Sep 2024
September 9, 2024

Cost of Aluminium Sheet Per Kg

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The cost of aluminium sheet per kg range from 3 dollars to 4 dollars, equivalent to 3,000 to 4,000 dollars per ton. The cost of aluminum sheet is affected by many factors (such as market supply and demand, raw material cost, processing cost, alloy type, specification size, brand and market fluctuation, etc.). Haomei Aluminum provide a general price range and some related information based on the current market situation and the data in the reference article.


According to publicly released information, the cost of aluminum sheet ranges from 3,000 to 4,000 of dollars per ton, depending on the type of alloy, thickness, specifications and other factors. If you estimate the cost per ton and convert the cost to per kilogram, you can roughly get the following price range (for reference only, the actual price please refer to the market real-time quotes):

Ordinary aluminum sheet: the cost per kilogram may be between 3 of dollars to 3.5 dollars.

Alloy aluminum sheet (such as 3003, 5052, 6061, etc.): the price may be higher, the cost per kilogram may be between 3 dollars to 4 dollars, depending on the alloy composition and performance.

cost of aluminium sheet per kg

Influencing factors of cost of aluminium sheet per kg:

– Market Supply and Demand: Supply and demand in the aluminum market is an important factor affecting prices. When demand exceeds supply, prices tend to rise; conversely, when there is excess supply, prices may fall.

– Raw material costs: the price fluctuations of raw materials such as aluminum ingots will directly affect the production cost of aluminum sheet, which in turn will have an impact on the aluminum sheet cost.

– Processing costs: different specifications, different processes of aluminum sheet processing costs are different, which will also affect the price of the final product.

– Alloy type: Aluminium sheets of different alloy types have different physical and chemical properties, so the cost will also vary.

– Market fluctuation: global economic situation, policy changes, exchange rate fluctuations and other factors may have an impact on the cost of aluminium sheet per kg.


To sum up, the cost of aluminium sheet per kg varies due to many factors, and it is hard to give a precise fixed price. If you need to know the exact cost, it is recommended to directly consult aluminium sheet suppliers or refer to real-time market quotes. Also, please note that the cost may fluctuate with market changes.